
Hair Extensions- Should You Get Them?

Do you really want hair extensions?

Hair extensions are the latest trend for getting instant long, beautiful, celebrity-like hair styles. Human or synthetic hair is attached to your natural hair by one of many different methods for a free-flowing, natural look.

The question is--Are you really ready to get hair extensions? There are many things you should ask yourself before you consider getting hair extensions. We will start with first question that involves time.

1. Do you have extra time or are you willing to make extra time to style and take care of your hair? Long hair requires extra work. Many hair extension companies claim that taking care of hair extensions is just like taking care of your hair...implying that no extra time and work are involved. Ask anyone who has long hair if she spends extra time styling and taking care of her hair. The answer is YES--it takes extra time.

  • Extra time to shampoo--there is more hair to wash
  • Extra time to condition--Long hair must be conditioned
  • Extra time to dry--More hair=More time.
  • Extra time to style- More hair to put in the proper place.

These are all Time factors that you should consider. If you aren't willing to "do the time", don't wine when you hair looks aweful.

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