
Thinking about hair extensions?

Hair extensions....Maybe?

Once you start hearing about the marvelous outcome of hair extension services, it is very tempting to start thinking that maybe they would work for you.

There are several up-front pieces of information that you should be aware of if you are considering hair extensions.

1. They are expensive. Human hair comes in many different qualities and textures. The best quality hair, called cuticle or remi hair, is in short supply and is therefore quite expensive. If you want the best hair (believe me when it comes to hair extensions- you want the best hair--will explain later.). Synthetic hair has greatly improved in quality over the years and offers a great alternative to human hair. It is usually less expensive than human hair, but it has a few limitations.

2. Hair extensions are not for everyone. Not everyone should get hair extensions just because they want them. If your hair is extremely damaged, thinning or very frail, it may not be able to handle the extra weight of the extension hair, causing your natural hair to fall out. This could even result in permanent hair loss. Yikes!

3. Hair extensions must be maintained. A lot of the damage to the natural hair occurs when the extension hair is not properly maintained. Some extensions must be washed with specific hair care products, brushed regularly and taken care of--just like you would long hair. You must have extra time each morning to wash, dry and style your longer hair. It does take time. Ask any women with long hair how much time she spends taking care of it. The extensions can only be left in for a certain amount of time and you must make regular visits to your stylist to keep them in tip-t0p shape.

4. Hair extensions are very addictive. Once you see yourself with long flowing celebrity hair, you won't want to ever change it. There are many women that wear hair extensions continuously now because they just love the way that they look with them. Of course if your extensions are properly maintained, your natural hair will continue to grow out and in several years your natural hair should be long as well.

5. There are many different methods for attaching hair extensions. Be sure to research all the methods before deciding on a specific one. Hair Extensions should not be an impulse purchase. Do your homework or you may be very sorry.

For more great reseach info on hair extensions, read Hair Extensions-The Official Consumer's Guide to Getting Hair Extensions.


Hair Extensions: Very thin hair after hair extension removal

Hair Extensions: Very thin hair after hair extension removal

Damaged hair and extensions

Getting hair extensions when your hair is damaged

Hair extensions involve attaching human or synthetic hair to your natural hair by one of many different methods. The hair can be attached strand by strand--where the strand is about 20-30 hairs, or they can be attached in wefts, where the hair is attached at the top by a tiny little curtain.

Some of the methods available today include fusion, bonding, sew-in, mini locs, clips, sleeves, links and string. Some methods are more suitable for damaged hair and will even help to improve the condition of the hair.

The hair stylist that does extensions should be properly trained to deal with all sorts of hair situations. If the wrong method is used on damaged hair, it can result in the extensions pulling out the natural hair--even resulting in permanent hair loss.

So, the morale of the story is, DO YOUR RESEARCH on hair extensions before you get them. Don't just make an appointment somewhere and get extensions. Research all the different methods available, schedule several extension consultations (even if they charge for them) because in the end you are making a big investment financially as well as emotionally.

If you get bad extensions, not only will you have thrown away your hard-earned money, but also you will be scarred emotionally if you have any kind of hair loss or permanent damage to your natural hair.

For more tips on getting hair extensions and preparing for the consultation, visit http://www.hrhairextensions.com and http://www.hairresources.net