Before you decide to get hair extensions, you should investigate all the different methods available today to attach and remove hair extensions.
If you get hair extensions that aren't designed for your hair type, you could end up with damaged hair, even permanently damaged hair or severely tangled.
Hair extensions are an expensive service that you shouldn't rush into.
Get all the facts on getting hair extensions .
Thank you for emphasizing the fact that ladies should please research the types of hair extension methods they are going to get and the correct removal process. So many women get these great hair extensions done and lose or damage their natural hair during the removal process. Try the Take Down Remover if your stylist does not know how to properly remove your hair extensions.
Great article, you are so right in that hair extensions are so so popular now. But whether women choose human or synthetic extensions is not as crucial of a decision as that of proper removal techniques.
So many women have vowed never to wear hair extensions again because of a horrible experience with removing hair extensions.
Sometimes the hairdressers themselves have not been trained in proper take down removal techniques of hair extensions/weaving.
Also They are un-aware of products that should be used to safely remove the keratin bonding, like the Take Down Remover as such.
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